In addition to my work in surface design, I also create fine art. My series The Presence of Absence, inspired by my travels to Berlin, is my reflection on how space can be either empty or full, but one is always required in order to shape and define the other. I use a combination of photography, painting, drawing and collage, and reassemble existing elements to create new visual movements on canvas.

These original artworks are for sale, and are also available for licensing to create a unique print or pattern. Please reach out with any questions or for pricing information.

The presence of absence 1 - Mixed media - 20’ x 10’ - need more info? contact us

The presence of absence 2 - Mixed media - 20’ x 10’ - need more info? contact us

The presence of absence 3 - Mixed media - 20’ x 10’ - need more info? contact us

The presence of absence 4 - Mixed media - 20’ x 10’ - need more info? contact us

The presence of absence 5 - Mixed media - 30’ x 10’ - need more info? contact us

The presence of absence 6 - Mixed media - 20’ x 10’ - need more info? contact us

The presence of absence 7 - Mixed media - 40’ x 30’ - need more info? contact us

The presence of absence 8 - Mixed media - 30’ x 20’ - need more info? contact us

Artist Statement


The Presence of Absence is a series which explores how the interaction of positive and negative space generates structure, movement, direction and pattern. Both occupied and unoccupied space are equally important in the assemblage of an image. What is not there illuminates what is; what is not there fills a space of its own.

Inspired by buildings seen while traveling in Berlin, Rosana Aziernicki’s work combines photography, collage, painting and drawing to assemble something new. She constructs her alternative landscapes with organic motion, sharp structures, and shifting perspectives to create an ephemeral atmosphere of her own. 

Through Aziernicki’s techniques of cutting and rearranging images of natural and architectural elements, the world we know is broken down. In exchange, she builds a new version—one that seems to float in a clashing rhythm. Familiar shapes inhabit a delicate, transitional, fractured world. 

The Presence of Absence navigates the ongoing exchange between what is empty and what is full. What is there and what is not there exist together, forging the spaces, identities, experiences, and connections that make up the world around us.